”Not quite dark yet
and the stars shining
above the withered fields.”
– haiku by Yosa Buson
”A lightning flash:
between the forest trees
I have seen water.”
haiku by Masaoka Shiki
”Makes the eye happy,
the whiteness,
of the lover’s fan ”
– haiku by Yosa Buson
”Chasing a butterfly
deep into the spring woods
i am lost.”
– haiku by Sugita Hiasajo
”Consider me
As one who loved poetry
And persimmons.”
– haiku by Masaoaka Shiki
”Over the wintry
forest, winds howl in rage
with no leaves to blow.”
– haiku by Natsume Soseki
”The first cold shower
Even the monkey seems to want
A little coat of straw”
– haiku by Matsuo Basho
”With awe i beheld
Fresh leaves , green leaves ,
Bright in the sunlight .”
– haiku by Matsuo Basho
”On distant mountains
the shining of the sun
Oh, withered fields!”
– haiku by Kyoshi Takahama
”With clear melting dew
i’d try to wash away
the dust of this floating world .”
– haiku by Matsuo Basho
”With the forest trees cut,
the lake lies naked and lost
in the bare hills.”
– haiku by Richard Wright
”People of my age –
with the passing of years
less impurities to cleanse.”
– haiKu by Natsume